Denver DUI Lawyer

Misconceptions In A Colorado DUI

If you are facing a DUI charge, you need to contact us here at the law office of the Denver DUI Lawyer as soon as possible regarding your case.  Many clients find that speaking with an attorney cannot only vastly improve the outcome of their case, but also to correct any misconceptions they may have.

In the state of Colorado an officer can arrest you without the evidence of a BAC test if your driving is unsafe and you show clear signs of intoxication. You can be arrested for DUI for driving under the influence of alcohol, prescription drugs, or over-the-counter medications.   

The state has recently changed the legal limit for alcohol from .10% to .08% in an effort to crack down on drunk drivers and reduce accidents caused by drunk driving.  If you are found to be driving with a BAC of at least .05% but less than .08% you will be charged with Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI).  

Although DWAI is a lesser charge from DUI, you still face the following penalties:  

As you can see, even a first-time DWAI can be expensive in more ways than one. A first-time DUI offender faces even more consequences than these.  

You may be questioning the decision to hire a lawyer. But a lawyer will have the experience and the proven record of dealing with DUI cases.  Contact us here at the law office of the Denver DUI lawyer for a review of your case today.


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